Help & Info
ShowsRage ShowsRage

Which forks are supported?

Fork name Officialy supported Known limitations
SickRage check None
SiCKRAGETV check None
Sick-Beard clear
  • Can't check for new version
  • Can't update to the latest version

If a fork is not listed in the table above, it is not officialy supported and it may not work at all with ShowsRage.

How to configure ShowsRage?

Here are some examples to illustrate how to configure ShowsRage, under the Server section, based on your SickRage settings.

SickRage URL Use HTTPS? Hostname Port Number Path API URL clear 80 or empty api clear 8081 api check 8083 folder/api clear 80 or empty api clear 8081 api check 8083 folder/api

You also need to enter your API key in the API Key section. You can either enter it manually by clicking on API Key or enter your Username and Password and click on Get API Key. If you don't need a username and password to access SickRage, you can leave these fields empty.

info_outline Some users manage to get their API key, but the connection to SickRage is failling. This should be fixed in a future version.
In the meantime, if you encounter this issue, you can work around it by changing the port SickRage is running on.

Beta testers

New versions of ShowsRage are released to beta testers before they are made available to everyone. This allows us to have early feedbacks about the new features and prevent potiential issues.

To be part of the beta program of ShowsRage, you just have to subscribe from this link. New versions are announced in the dedicated Google+ Community.

If you want to report a bug in ShowsRage, you can do it in the Google+ Community, or submit an issue on GitHub.

You can unsubscribe at any time by using the same link as for the subscription. However, you might need to reinstall ShowsRage to have the latest stable version.

More help

If you did not find the answer to your question here, you can ask your question on GitHub or use the dedicated Google+ Community.